Selected Bibliography
To be assigned
- Anderson, K. & Jack, D. C. (1998). Learning to Listen: Interview techniques and analyses. In R. Perks & A. Thomson (Eds.), The Oral History Reader. (pp. 129-142). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Bridgeman, Byrne, H. (June 9, 2020). An Introduction to Oral History. Electronic document, , accessed Thursday, March 23, 2023.
- Mahuika, Nēpia (2019). Rethinking Oral History and Tradition: An Indigenous Perspective. Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press.
- Bridgeman, B. (May 11, 2021). Re-establishing a Seed Commons through Oral History Methodology: Capturing the Story of Seed. Electronic document,, accessed Monday, March 20, 2023.
- Baylor University Institute for Oral History (2016). Introduction to Oral History. Workshop handout.
- Davila Gronros, V., Hamilton, M., Collett, G., Thompson, K., Daly, L., Wantsala, N., & Riter, R. (2023). Developing a Student-Led Podcast on Community Archives. Archival Outlook, January/February, 3.
- Mays, E. (2017). Case study: Frank Lloyd Wright and his Madison buildings. (3). In E. Mays (Ed.), A guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students. (pp. 24-29). Montreal, Canada: The Rebus Community for Open Textbook Creation.
- Perks, Robert (2015). The Oral History Reader. New York, NY: Routledge. .
- Tansey, E. (June 5, 2020). No one owes their trauma to archivists, or, the commodification of contemporaneous collecting. Electronic document,, accessed Monday, March 20, 2023.
- Anedda, E. (2023). “I Hope to be Part of South Phoenix History”: Community College Students Becoming Oral Historians. The Oral History Review, 1(50).
Other references
- Benson, S. P. (1986). Oral History and Community Involvement: The Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project. In S. P. Benson (Ed.), Presenting the Past: Essays on History and the Public. (pp. 249–263). .
- Blatti, J. (1990). Public History and Oral History. The Journal of American History, 77(2), 615625.
- Duberman, Martin (1972). Black Mountain: An Exploration in Community. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday. .
- Fletcher, William (1987). Recording Your Family History: A Guide to Preserving Oral History with Video Tape, Audio Tape, Suggested Topics and Questions, Interview Techniques. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. .
- Franco, B. (1995). Doing History in Public: Balancing Historical Fact with Public Meaning. Perspectives, 33(5), 5–8.
- Glassie, Henry (1982). Passing the Time in Ballymenone: Cultural and History of an Ulster Community. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. .
- Hirsch, Marianne (1997). Family Frames: Photography, Narrative, and Postmemory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. .
- Kann, K. (1981). Reconstructing the History of a Community. International Journal of Oral History, 2(1), 4–12.
- Kline, C. N. (1996). Giving it Back: Creating Conversations in Interpret Community Oral History. The Oral History Review, 23(1), 19–39.
- Shopes, L. (1984). Beyond Trivia and Nostalgia: Collaborating in the Construction of a Local History. International Journal of Oral History, 5(3), 151–158.
- Shopes, Lina (1986). History from Below: How to Uncover and Tell the Story of Your Community, Association, or Union. New Haven, Connecticut: Commonwork Pamphlets and Advocate Press. .
- Shopes, L. (2002). Oral History and the Study of Communities: Problems, Paradoxes, and Possibilities. The Journal of American History.
- Bar-On, D. (1993). Ethical Issues in Biographical Interviews and Analysis. In R. Josselson & A. Lieblich (Eds.), The Narrative Study of Lives 1. (pp. 9–21). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, C. (Ed.), (1991). American Anthropological Association Revised Principles of Professional Responsibility. Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology: Dialogue for a New Era. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. .
- Dunaway, D. (1996). Radio and the Public Use of Oral History. In D. K. Dunaway & W. K. Baum (Eds.), Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. (pp. 333–346). Walnut Creek, CA: American Association for State and Local History Book Series.
- Lance, D. (1984). Oral History Project Design. In D. K. Dunaway & W. K. Baum (Eds.), Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. (pp. 135–142). Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.
- Larson, M. A. (2001). Potential, Potential, Potential: The Marriage of Oral History and the World Wide Web. The Journal of American History, 88(2), 596–603.
- Maze, E. A. (2006). The Uneasy Page: Transcribing and Editing Oral History. In T. Charlten (Ed.), Handbook of Oral History. (pp. 237–269). .
- Moore, K. (1999). Linguistic Airbrushing in Oral History. In I. Taavitsainen, G. Melchers, & P. Pahta (Eds.), Writing in Non-Standard English. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins North America.
- Nelson-Strauss, B. (1991). Preserving Chicago Symphony Orchestra Broadcast Tapes. The Midwestern Archivist, 16(1).
- Nethercott, S. & Leighton, N. (1998). Out of the Archives and onto the Stage. In The Oral History Reader. New York: Routledge Press.
- Neuenschwander, J. A. (1998). Putting Interviews on the Internet? A Look at Key Issues. Oral History Association Newsletter, 33, 4–6.
- Ritchie, Donald (1992). Guidelines and Principles of the Oral History Association. Oral History Association. .
- Sane, Ibrahima & Deflander, Johan (2006). Heeding the Voiceless: A Guide to use Oral Testimonies for Radio Documentaries. Dakar, Senegal: Panos Institute West Africa. .
- Sawka, B. (1991). Audio Preservation in the US: A Report on the ARSC/AAA Planning Study. The Midwestern Archivist, 16(1).
Human Rights
- Beverley, John Gugelberger, G. M. (Ed.), (1996). The Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. .
- Beverley, John (2004). Testimonio: On the Politics of Truth. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. .
- Bickford, L. (2007). Unofficial Truth Projects. Human Rights Quarterly, 29, 994–1035.
- Delcroix, C. (1996). Stepping Forward to Help Communication: The ‘Mediatrices Interculturelles’ in Underprivileged Areas in France. Innovation, 9(1), 87–96.
- Ea, Meng-Try & Sim, Sorya (2001). Victims and Perpetrators?: Testimony of Young Khmer Rouge Comrades. Phnom Penh: Documentation Center of Cambodia. .
- Farmer, P. (1997). On Suffering and Structural Violence: A View from Below. In A. Kleinman (Ed.), Social Suffering. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Friedlander, S. (1994). Trauma, Memory, and Transference. In G. Hartman (Ed.), Holocaust Remembrance: The Shapes of Memory. (pp. 252–263). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
- Garland, David (1993). Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. .
- Goldstein, J. (1986). Agent Orange on Campus: The Summit/Spicerack Controversy at the University of Pennsylvania, 1965-1967. Peace and Change, 11(2), 2749.
- Gourevitch, Philip (1998). We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. .
- Grant, P. R. & Sterritt, N. J. (2000). The Delgamuukw Decision and Oral History. In Expressions in Canadian Native Studies. (pp. 291–313). Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Extension Press.
- Grossman, Dave (1996). On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society. Boston: Little, Brown. .
- Haney, C. (1995). The Social Context of Capital Murder: Social Histories and the Logic of Mitigation. Santa Clara Law Review, 35, 547–609.
- Hartman, G. H. & O’Hara, D. T. (1996). The Longest Shadow. In Aftermath of the Holocaust. The Helen and Martin Schwartz Lectures in Jewish Studies. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
- Holdman, S. & Seeds, C. (2008). Cultural Competency in Capital Mitigation. Hofstra Law Review, 36(3), 883–922.
- Laub, D. (1995). Truth and Testimony: The Process and the Struggle. In C. Caruth (Ed.), Trauma: Explorations in Memory. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Lemarchand, Rene (1994). Burundi: Ethnocide as Discourse and Practice. Washington D.C and New York: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Cambridge University Press. .
- Levi, Primo (1989). The Drowned and the Saved. New York: Random House. .
- Malpede, K. (1999). Chilean Testimonies: An Experiment in Theater of Witness. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 29(4), 307–316.
- Sanders, M. (1998). Ambiguities of Mourning: Law, Custom, Literature, and Women before South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Law/Text/Culture, 4(2), 105151.
- Schaffer, K. & Smith, S. (2004). Conjunctions: Life Narratives in the Field of Human Rights. Biography, 27(1).
- Shuldiner, David P. (1995). Aging Political Activists: Personal Narratives from the Old Left. London: Praeger. .
- Sichrovsky, P. (1988). Born Guilty: Children of Nazi Families. In Narratives of State Socialism in the Czech Republic. London: Taurus.
- Theidon, K. (2006). Justice in Transition: The Micropolitics of Reconciliation in Postwar Peru. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50(3), 433–457.
Oral Hisotry Manual
- Baum, Willa K. (1977). Transcribing and Editing Oral History. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. .
- Baylor University Institute for Oral History (2016). Introduction to Oral History. Workshop handout.
- Charlton, Thomas E., Myers, Lois E., & Sharpless, Rebecca (2006). Handbook of Oral History. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press. .
- DeBlasio, Donna M. (2009). Catching Stories: A Practical Guide to Oral History. Athens, OH: Swallow Press. .
- Dunaway, David K. & Baum, Willa K. (1996). American Association for State and Local History Book Series. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. .
- Hoopes, James (1979). Oral History: An Introduction for Students. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press. .
- Ives, Edward D. (1995). The Tape-Recorded Interview: A Manual for Fieldworkers in Folklore and Oral History (2nd). Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee Press. .
- Janesick, V. J. (2014). Oral History Interviewing: Issues and Possibilities. In P. Leavy (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research. (pp. 300-314). Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press.
- Leavy, Patricia (2011). Oral History: Understanding Qualitative Research. Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press. .
- Merton, Robert K. (1990). The Focused Interview. New York: The Free Press. .
- Mishler, Elliot G. (1986). Research Interviewing: Context and Narrative. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. .
- Perks, Robert (2015). The Oral History Reader. New York, NY: Routledge. .
- Thompson, Paul (1988). The Voice of the Past: Oral History (2nd). New York: Oxford University Press. .
- Yow, Valerie Raleigh (1994). Recording Oral History: A Practical Guide for Social Scientists. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. .
Oral History Methodology
- Bar-On, D. (1993). Ethical Issues in Biographical Interviews and Analysis. In R. Josselson & A. Lieblich (Eds.), The Narrative Study of Lives 1. (pp. 9–21). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Frisch, M. (1998). Oral History and Hard Times: A Review Essay. In R. Perks & A. Thomson (Eds.), The Oral History Reader. (pp. 29-37). New York: Routledge Press.
- Graves, III, W. & Shields, M. A. (1991). Rethinking Moral Responsibility in Fieldwork. In C. Fluehr-Lobban (Ed.), Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology: Dialogue for a New Era. (pp. 132–151). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Grele, Ronald J. Grele, R. J. (Ed.), (1975). Envelopes of Sound: Six Practitioners Discuss the Method, Theory, and Practice of Oral History and Oral Testimony. Chicago: Precedent Publishers. .
- Grele, R. J. (1994). History and the Languages of History in the Oral History Interview: Who Answers Whose Questions and Why?. In E. M. McMahan & K. L. Rogers (Eds.), Interactive Oral History Interviewing. (pp. 1–18). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.
- Morrissey, C. T. (1987). The Two-Sentence Format as an Interviewing Technique in Oral History Fieldwork. The Oral History Review, 15, 43–53.
- Neuenschwander, John N. (2009). A Guide to Oral History and the Law. New York: Oxford University Press. .
- Oral History Association. (2020). Remote Interviewing Resources.
- Patai, D. (1987). Ethical Problems of Personal Narratives, or, Who Should Eat the Last Piece of Cake. The International Journal of Oral History, 8(1), 5–27.
- Reuban, K.-H. (1994). Reconstructing Social Change through Retrospective Questions: Methodological Problems and Prospects. In N. Schwarz & S. Sudman (Eds.), Autobiographical Memory and the Valildity of Retrospective Reports. (pp. 305–311). New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Rouverol, A. J. (2003). Collaborative Oral History in a Correctional Setting: Promise and Pitfalls. The Oral History Review, 30(1).
- Smith, Linda Tuhiwai (1999). Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books. .
- Thomson, A. (1998). Anzac Memories: Putting Popular Memory Theory into Practice in Australia. Oral History Reader, 28(3), 75–87.
Oral Hisotry-based textbooks
- Brown, Wesley & Ling, Amy Brown, W. & Ling, A. (Eds.), (1991). Imagining America: Stories from the Promised Land. New York: Persea. .
- Portelli, Alessandro (2003). The Order Has Been Carried Out. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. .
- Project, F. W. (1939). These Are Our Lives.
- Youth of the Rural Organizing and Cultural Center. (1991). Minds Stayed on Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle in the Rural South. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. .
- Allen, B. (1992). Story in Oral History: Clues to Historical Consciousness. Journal of American History, 79, 606–611.
- Bearman, P. S., Moody, J., Faris, R., & Carr, D. (2003). Occasional Papers No.1: Oral Histories Relating To Journalism History. Complexity, 8(1), 61–71.
- Chamberlain, M. (2006). Narrative Theory. In T. L. Charlton, L. E. Myers, & R. Sharpless (Eds.), The Handbook of Oral History. (pp. 384407). New York: AltaMira Press.
- Corbett, K. T. & Miller, H. S. (2006). A Shared Inquiry into Shared Inquiry. The Public Historian, 28(1), 15–38.
- Cruikshank, J. (1988). Myth and Tradition as Narrative Framework: Oral Histories from Northern Canada. International Journal of Oral History, 9(3), 198–214.
- Davidson, James West & Hamilton-Lytle, Mark (1982). After the Fact: The Arts of Historical Detection. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. .
- Faris, D. E. (1980). Narrative Form and Oral History: Some Problems and Possibilities. International Journal of Oral History, 1(3), 159–1980.
- Felman, Shoshana & Laub, Dori (1992). Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. New York: Routledge Press. .
- Hofmeyer, I. (1990). Nterata ‘The Wire’: Fences, Boundaries, Orality, Literacy. In International Annual of Oral History. (pp. 69–91). .
- Scholes, R. (1976). Narration and Narrativity in Film. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 1(3), 283 – 296.
- Scholes, R. (1998). Spinning Yarns. Columbia: A Journal of Literature of Art, 29, 40–62.
- Scholes, R. (1999). The Public and the Private Spheres. In R. Bly (Ed.), Best American Poetry 1999. New York, NY: Scribner.
- Tilly, L. A. (1985). People’s History and Social Science History. International Journal of Oral History, 6(1), 5– 46.
- Tosh, John & Lang, Sean (2006). The Pursuit of History. New York: Pearson Longman. .
- Trouillot, Michel-Rolph (1995). Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History. Boston: Beacon. .
- Tucher, A. (2004). Journalism Versus History: Whose Turf is the Past?. Columbia Journalism Review, 43: 3, 46–48.
Oral History Projects
- Ball, Edward (1998). Slaves in the Family. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. .
- Bamberger, Bill & Davidson, Cathy (1998). Closings: The Life and Death of an American Factory. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. .
- Brodkin, Karen (1988). Caring by the Hour: Women, Work, and Organizing at Duke Medical Center. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. .
- Cecelski, David (1994). Along Freedom Road: Hyde County, North Carolina and the Fate of Black Schools in the South. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. .
- Davis, Marilyn (1990). Voices/American Dreams: An Oral History of Mexican Immigration to the United States. New York: Henry Holt and Company. .
- Egerton, John (1995). Speak Now Against the Day: The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. .
- Eller, C. (1990). Oral History as Moral Discourse: Conscientious Objectors and the Second World War. Oral History Review, 18, 45–75.
- Grundy, Pamela (1991). You Always Think of Home: A Portrait of Clay County, Alabama. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press. .
- Hall, Jacquelyn, Leloudis, James, Korstad, Robert, Murphy, Mary, Jones, Lu Ann, & Daly, Christopher B. (2000). Like a Family: The Making of A Southern Cotton Mill World (2nd). Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. .
- Love, Spencie (1996). One-Blood: The Death and Resurrection of Charles R. Drew. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. .
- Nabakov, Peter (1991). Native American Testimony: A Chronicle of Indian-White Relations from Prophecy to the Present, 1494-1992. New York: The Viking Press. .
- Payne, Charles (1995). I’ve Got the Light of the Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. .
- Portelli, Alessandro (1997). The Battle of Valle Giulia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue. Madison, WI: University Of Wisconsin Press. .
- Portelli, Alessandro (2003). The Order Has Been Carried Out: History, Memory, and Meaning of a Nazi Massacre in Rome. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. .
- Robertson, Nan (1992). The Girls in the Balcony: Women, Men, and The New York Times. New York: Random House. .
- Rosengarten, Theodore (1984). All God’s Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw (2nd). New York: Vintage Books. .
- Rymer, Russ (1998). American Beach: A Saga of Race, Wealth, and Memory. New York: HarperCollins. .
- Stack, Carol B. (1996). Call to Home: African Americans Reclaim the Rural South. New York: BasicBooks. .
- Terkel, Studs (1972). Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do. New York: Pantheon Books. .
Social History
- Guest, Kenneth J. (2003). God in Chinatown: Religion and Survival in New York’s Evolving Immigrant Communities. Religion, Race and Ethnicity. New York: New York University Press. .
- Hardy, C. I., Portelli, A. (1997). Meatpackers, Peronists, and Collective Memory: A View from the South. The American Historical Review, 102: 5, 1404–1412.
- Hardy, C. I., Portelli, A & Hartewig, K. (1999). I Can Almost See the Lights of Home: A Field Trip to Harlan County, Kentucky: An Essay in Sound. Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology, 2, 363–379.
- Jones, L. A. (1992). Voices of Southern Agricultural History. In R. J. Grele (Ed.), International Annual of Oral History 1990. (pp. 135–144). New York: Greenwood Press.
- Jones, L. A. (1998). Talking in Class: The Stories of North Carolina Teachers. North Carolina Literary Review, 7, 51–71.
- Kerr, D. (2003). ‘We Know What the Problem Is:’ Using Oral History to Develop a Collaborative Analysis of Homelessness from the Bottom Up. The Oral History Review, 30(1), 27–45.
- Levine, Robert M. & Meihy, Jose Carlos Sebe Bom (1995). The Life and Death of Carolina Maria de Jesus. Dialogos. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. .
- Montell, William L. (1970). The Saga of Coe Ridge: A Study in Oral History. Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee Press. .
- Nuttall, S. (1998). Telling ‘Free’ Stories? Memory and Democracy in South African Autobiography Since 1994. In S. Nuttall & C. Coetzee (Eds.), Negotiating the Past: The Making of Memory in South Africa. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
- Schuman, H., Rieger, C., Gaidys, V., & Swedenburg, T. (1994). Collective Memories in the United States and Lithuania. In N. Schwarzl & S. Sudman (Eds.), Autobiographical Memory and the Validity of Retrospectives Reports. (pp. 313– 333,). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Oral History Theories
- Benison, S. (1965). Reflections on Oral History. The American Archivist, 28(1), 71–77.
- Benison, S. (1984). Introduction to Tom Rivers. In D. K. Dunaway & W. K. Baum (Eds.), Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. (pp. 124–130). Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.
- Benjamin, W. (1986). The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In P. Rosen (Ed.), Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology: A Film Theory Reader. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Bennett, J. (1985). Human Values in Oral History. The Oral History Review, 11, 1–15.
- Berman, L. H. (1967). Oral History as Source Material for the History of Behavioral Sciences. Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences, 3(1), 58–59.
- Bernstein, Richard J. (1988). Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxis. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press. .
- Borland, K. (2006). That’s Not What I Said: Interpretive Conflict in Oral Narrative Research. In R. Perks & A. Thomson (Eds.), The Oral History Reader. (pp. 320–332). New York: Routledge Press.
- Candida Smith, R. (2006). Publishing Oral History: Oral Exchange and Print Culture. In T. L. Charlton, L. E. Myers, & R. Sharpless (Eds.), The Handbook of Oral History. (pp. 411–424). Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
- Clark, E. (1994). Reconstructing History: The Epitomizing Image. In E. M. McMahan & K. L. Rogers (Eds.), Interactive Oral History Interviewing. (pp. 19– 30). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.
- Coles, Robert (1997). Doing Documentary Work. New York: Oxford University Press. .
- Confino, A. (1997). Collective Memory and Cultural History: Problems of Method. The American Historical Review, 102: 5, 1386–1403.
- Cutler, III, W. (1996). Accuracy in Oral History Interviewing. In D. K. Dunaway & W. K. Baum (Eds.), Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. (pp. 99–105). Walnut Creek, CA: American Association for State and Local History book series.
- Friedlander, P. (1998). Theory, Method and Oral History. In R. Perks & A. Thomson (Eds.), The Oral History Reader. (pp. 311–319). New York: Routledge Press.
- Frisch, M. (1990). A Shared Authority: Essays on the Craft and Meaning of Oral and Public History. In SUNY Series in Oral and Public History. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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- Hoffman, A. (1996). Reliability and Validity in Oral History. In D. K. Dunaway & W. K. Baum (Eds.), Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. (pp. 87–93). Walnut Creek, CA: American Association for State and Local History Book Series.
- Langellier, K. M. (1989). Personal Narratives: Perspectives on Theory and Research. Text and Performance, 9(4), 243–276.
- Lummis, Trevor (1987). Listening to History: The Authenticity of Oral Evidence. London: Century Hutchinson and Co., Ltd. .
- McMahan, Eva (1989). Elite Oral History Discourse: A Study of Cooperation and Coherence. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press. .
- Rabinow, P. & Reuban, K.-H. (2000). Representations Are Social Facts: Modernity and Post-Modernity in Anthropology. In V. E. Taylor, C. E. Winquist, N. Schwarz, & S. Sudman (Eds.), Postmodernism. (pp. 305–311). New York: Routledge Press.
- Ricoeur, Paul & Rouverol, Alicia J. Thompson, J. B. (Ed.), (1981). Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences. New York: Cambridge University Press. .
- Samuel, R. (1998). Perils of the Transcript. In R. Perks & A. Thomson (Eds.), The Oral History Reader. (pp. 389–392). New York: Routledge Press.
- Schrager, S. (1998). What is Social in Oral History?. The Oral History Reader, 4(2), 7697.
- Sipe, D. (1998). The Future of Oral History and Moving Images. In R. Perks & A. Thomson (Eds.), The Oral History Reader,-. (pp. 379–392). New York: Routledge Press.
- Sitzia, L. (2003). A Shared Authority: An Impossible Goal?. The Oral History Review, 30(1), 87–101.
- Smith, Linda Tuhiwai (1999). Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books. .
- Yow, V. (1997). Do I Like Them Too Much?: Effects of the Oral History Interview on the Interviewer and Vice-Versa. Oral History Review, 24(2), 55–78.
- BenEzer, G. (1999). Trauma Signals and Life Stories. In K. L. Rogers, S. Leyersdoff, & G. Dawson (Eds.), Trauma and Life Stories: International Perspectives. New York: Routledge Press.
- Brown, Lyn Mikel & Gilligan, Carol (1992). Meeting at the Crossroads: Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development. New York: Ballantine Books. .
- Clark, M. M. (2005). Holocaust Video Testimony, Oral History, and Narrative Medicine: The Struggle Against Indifference. Literature and Medicine, 24(2), 266–282.
- Coleman, P. (1994). Reminiscence within the Study of Ageing: The Social Significance of Story. Reminiscence Reviewed; Perspectives, Evaluations and Achievements.
- Cvetkovich, A. (2003). Trauma Ongoing. In J. Greenberg (Ed.), Trauma at Home After 9/11. (pp. 60–66). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
- Greenspan, Henry (1998). On Listening to Holocaust Survivors: Recounting and Life History. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers. .
- Hegeman, E. & Wohl, A. (2000). Management of Trauma-Related Affect, Defenses, and Dissociative States. In R. H. Klein & V. L. Schermer (Eds.), Group Psychotherapy for Psychological Trauma. (pp. 64–88). New York: Guilford Press.
- Herman, Judith Lewis (1992). Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence—from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror. New York: BasicBooks. .
- LaCapra, D. (2003). Holocaust Testimonies: Attending to the Victim’s Voice. In M. Postone & E. Santner (Eds.), Catastrophe and Meaning: The Holocaust and the Twentieth Century. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
- Laub, D. (2006). From Speechlessness to Narrative: The Cases of Holocaust Historians and of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Survivors. Literature and Medicine, 24(2), 253–265.
- Metz, Christian (1982). The Imaginary Signifier: Psychoanalysis and the Cinema. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. .
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- Strenger, C. (2002). From Yeshiva to Critical Pluralism: Reflections on the Impossible Project of Individuality. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 22(4), 534–558.
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- Watt, L. M. & Wong, P. T. P. (1991). A Taxonomy of Reminiscence and Therapeutic Implications. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 16(1), 37–57.
Sage Research Methods Videos
- Morgan-Brett, B. (2020). What Interviewing Style Should I Use?. Sage Research Methods. (
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